welcome to kanani's coner!

hey everyone its me Kanani! this is my blog or "corner" its a place for fun and well..to get to know me!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

girloftheyearstudios is rockinn' youtube!

hey, its me kanani! and you know what i just noticed? girloftheyearstudios is totally Rockinn' youtube! she has over 6,000 subscribers! THATS CRAZY!! i mean thats ALOT of people! and whats so awesome about her is she is SO creative!! she makes awesome videos! her series "Music in Me" is totally addicting and AWESOME! it so good! you should really check out her outube if your in to american girl dolls! and geuss WHAT?? the movie for "Music In Me" is comming tommorow! AHH I CAN'T wait!!! please check her out on youtube!

------> http://www.youtube.com/girloftheyearstudios

thanks guys! cya soon!

why do sibligs have to be so mean?

uggg, hey guys its me Kanani and i just noticed that my sister, julie, is a big meanie! she was making fun of me! uggg. if you guys have younger sibling or older siblings you probably know what i mean. lol XD hahah anyways that brings me to my topic of today. You guessed it, siblings. now heres the thing...some of you may get along with your siblings but believe me when i say I DON'T GET ALONG WITH MY SISTERS! lol its terrible! i mean somdays we get along and some days i just want to rip their little heads off! if you know what i mean. and seriously we fight over the silliest things! lol but that brings me to my conclusion, Siblings were made to make you stronger, to be there when you need somebody, to understand you. for they are the joy that keeps you alive inside...sometimes(: so to everyone who has a sibling....just don't ever regret having them. 


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

need advice?

hey guys, it's me kanani and today i wanted to ask you guys somthing. have you ever needed advice? well if you have...i can help! If you need advice oon anything related to american girl doll related or anything approiate...comment on this post stating your problem. And hopefully i can help! here is an example of what your statment should look like.


dear kanani,
My friend figured out i have american girl dolls,
and she made fun of me. should i stay her friend?

so yeah! all you have to do is comment in that format and i will respond! and please try to come up with a clever nickname to coordinate with your situation. thanks everyone cya soon!


Sunday, March 27, 2011


hello everybody as you know its me kanani and today i wanted to tell everyone to have an awesome spring break! i promise i'll leave a more interesting post soon(: anyways see ya soon!

kanani <3